Oymyakon Ofelia Forever
Jose Andrés López, actor, and playwright, draws from two of Shakespeare’s classics to create a contemporary drama imbued with existential dilemmas. The author himself describes the work in the synopsis as follows:
La mano izquierda escribió este libro tras tocar a Shakespeare.
Toqué sus versos y los de otros muertos y muertas.
A veces nos acompañan durante más tiempo que los vivo.
La mano derecha escribió esta obra tras ser acariciada por la tuya.
Tú te pusiste a viajar y yo a escribir.
Cada ser envejece como puede.
Y cuando se me caigan las manos, escribiré con los dientes.
The project encompasses both the design and layout of the interior, as well as the cover design (based on a photograph by the photographer Virginia Rota).
In a delicate small format, two plays are presented, carefully laid out to be read by both the curious reader and the actor who wishes to perform them before an audience. The premise of ensuring an easy and comfortable reading experience was of utmost importance while working on this book.