1. Introducción
Como los buenos libros, toda historia tiene un principio que engancha. Si te gusta cómo trabajo, contacta conmigo para que podamos conocernos y me cuentes en qué puedo ayudarte. Todo comienza cuando me explicas qué necesitas, cómo y por qué.

2. Nudo
Una vez que ya sé lo que quieres, el siguiente paso es ponernos manos a la obra. Comenzaremos con la elaboración de un calendario en el que estudiaremos cada fase del proyecto para ajustarme a lo que sea más cómodo para ti. Y cuando lleguemos a un acuerdo… ¡Comienza la emoción! Trabajaremos codo con codo con tu idea para que todo siga su cauce, empezando por la conceptualización de la obra editorial.

3. Desenlace
Toda historia tiene un final, y espero que sea el mejor de los finales para que puedas quedar plenamente satisfecho. Aquí es cuando nuestro proyecto de diseño se materializa y cobra vida. Ahora toca disfrutar… ¡Y seguiré a tu lado cuando haya una segunda parte!

Book design and layout
This is the editorial piece that I am most familiar with. I cover the entire creative process, from the receipt of the document to the preparation of the printing file. Readability and readability are the indispensable pillars that give name to this editorial piece. In addition, I’ll design your book as a unique and original work regardless of the literary genre: essay, novel, poetry…
Cover design
A book cover is the first image we perceive of it, and this will be crucial to get the attention of the reader or go unnoticed. If you want to reach the soul of your target audience, you must convey what you want in the most effective way. My designs will achieve an impact in the depths of your audience through an original design, from concept to visual representation.

Art-book or artist’s books
Thinking, designing and shaping an artist’s book is one of the most rewarding tasks for the editorial designer. Capturing the essence of what you want to convey and express it in a book that will become a piece of art is a challenge in which I love to participate and with which I enjoy from beginning to end.
Master’s, Bachelor’s and Doctoral Theses
If you are a student and you are about to graduate, count on me. Leave in my hands that chaotic document in which you are working and I will be the lighthouse that guides you to a good port. As a result you’ll obtain a readable and original work, which will be the best presentation for your academic project.

Magazines and fanzines
If you have in mind to launch any kind of periodical publication, I can also help you, both in large format and small. These types of editorial pieces are among the most personality-driven, as they have their own visual language and reflect at a glance aspects such as the target audience and the theme.
Catalogues, yearbooks and brochures
Every editorial piece deserves a personalized work. Not only a book or a magazine involves design and layout: also a triptych or a catalogue of products need it. I will apply the image and visual identity that characterize you to convey the message you want.

Art direction
Good creative direction stems from a solid concept that precisely defines the product. As an art director, I take care of the strategic part and coordinate the entire team involved in the project (designers, photographers, illustrators, advertisers, and other creatives).
Graphic design
Before being an editorial designer, I am a graphic designer. It’s the field of work I’ve been in for over a decade. Communicating a message through a direct, simple, and effective design is the foundation of my work philosophy. Visual Identity + Corporate Identity + Branding + Signage

Web design and UX/UI
I make your online presence possible through a good user experience and appropriate interface design. Web design is constantly evolving, and I have surrounded myself with a human team that supports me in these kinds of projects, bringing out the best in us and making it possible to develop a website from scratch, whether it’s an online store, your business showcase, a corporate website, or the design of a mobile app.
Other services
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Write to me, and we'll figure it out. I'm confident that between my team and me, we can provide the solution you need.
How do I work?
1. Introduction
Like good books, every story has a hooking start. If you like how I work, you can contact me so we can get to know each other and you’ll be able tell me how I can help you. It all starts when you explain to me what you need, how and why.
2. Climax
Once I know what you want, the next step is to get down to work. We will begin with the elaboration of a schedule in which we will study each phase of the project to get adapted to what is most comfortable for you. And when we get an agreement … The emotion begins! We will work hand in hand with your idea so that everything continues its course, starting with the conceptualization of the editorial work.
3. Outcome
Every story has an ending, and I hope it will be the best of any possible so you can be fully satisfied. Here’s when our design project materializes and comes to life. Now it’s time to enjoy … And I’ll continue by your side if there’s a second part!
1. Introducción
Como los buenos libros, toda historia tiene un principio que engancha. Si te gusta cómo trabajo, contacta conmigo para que podamos conocernos y me cuentes en qué puedo ayudarte. Todo comienza cuando me explicas qué necesitas, cómo y por qué.
2. Nudo
Una vez que ya sé lo que quieres, el siguiente paso es ponernos manos a la obra. Comenzaremos con la elaboración de un calendario en el que estudiaremos cada fase del proyecto para ajustarme a lo que sea más cómodo para ti. Y cuando lleguemos a un acuerdo… ¡Comienza la emoción! Trabajaremos codo con codo con tu idea para que todo siga su cauce, empezando por la conceptualización de la obra editorial.
3. Desenlace
Toda historia tiene un final, y espero que sea el mejor de los finales para que puedas quedar plenamente satisfecho. Aquí es cuando nuestro proyecto de diseño se materializa y cobra vida. Ahora toca disfrutar… ¡Y seguiré a tu lado cuando haya una segunda parte!
Sed ut perspi ciatis unde om nis iste natus error sit vol upta tem accus an tium dol ore mque laud antium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.
Adrian Gray Director of NDH
Sed ut perspi ciatis unde om nis iste natus error sit vol upta tem accus an tium dol ore mque laud antium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.
Emily Gill Producer
Sed ut perspi ciatis unde om nis iste natus error sit vol upta tem accus an tium dol ore mque laud antium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.
Amy Pullman Designer