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Basic information on data protection
Data ControllerNatalia Arnedo Rodríguez
Purpose of data processingWebsite navigation and improvement of user experience.
Legal basis for processing personal dataConsent of the data subject, legitimate interest of the data controller.
RecipientsPersonal data of users may be communicated to third parties, subject to their express consent, except for legal obligations or contract executions.
RightsYou can exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, portability, opposition, and not to be subject to automated decisions, including profiling.
Additional informationYou can consult additional and detailed information on data protection in this Privacy Policy, in our Legal Notice, and in the Cookies Policy of this website.
Under this Legal Notice, you are informed that the owner of this website with the domain nataliarnedo.com is:
  • Identification of the owner of the website: Natalia Arnedo Rodríguez
  • Tax ID (C.I.F. / D.N.I.): 47270634-E
  • Address/Registered office: C/Real 11B, 2nd A
  • Postal code and city: 18615, Guájar Alto (Granada)
  • Email address: info@nataliarnedo.com
  • Phone: (+34) 617 11 63 97
If you wish to obtain more information about our data protection policies, you can contact us via the email address info@nataliarnedo.com or visit the following links: For other matters in this area, you can visit the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD): https://www.aepd.es/es